
How To Change Id Picture On Messanger App

Are you on Messenger right now? At the time of chatting, I felt if I could just change the profile picture from Messenger without even opening the Facebook that takes time.

Eventually, I didn't have the Facebook app on my mobile only I had Messenger and I was wondering if I could change the DP of my Facebook profile directly from Messenger.

Now, just in a few clicks, I successfully changed my profile picture from the Messenger app that I was chatting at the same time and this took just 1 minute to complete the change.

I discussed some settings where you can control whom to show your profile picture at the end.

To change the profile picture from Facebook Messenger just make sure you are logged in then tap on the profile icon. Upon tapping there you will find the edit icon and you have to tap on that to change the profile picture to a new one on Messenger.

Messenger is available for all devices like Android or iOS and if you have messenger installed, you can go ahead directly to change the profile without opening your Facebook from the web. You can also add the DP lock feature on your profile picture if you want to protect this to open for download by someone else.

In this article, I have explained the step-by-step ways to change the profile picture or name directly from your Messenger app and save the settings for your Facebook and Messenger. Additionally, including some top most features that are needed for messenger users to safeguard their privacy, added into this content.

Why can't I change the profile picture on messenger?

If you can't change the profile picture then there might be a few reasons behind this. let's explain:

can't I change the profile picture on messenger

  • 1. The Profile picture might be not proper in size (180px*180px)
  • 2. You are uploading lower quality images or below the required size.
  • 3. If you're not logged into your Facebook app along with the messenger or in the browser, the task may not be completed.

Just solve the issues and try following the steps below to change the profile picture through Messenger.

Is it possible to Change the Profile Picture without Facebook?

Yes, if you are on your messenger on your Android or iOS devices then you will definitely have the edit section of your profile picture where you can easily edit and add a new profile picture. You can also lock the profile picture if you want it to just display to your chat friends if not opens up on tap.

Meanwhile, I checked that on your Facebook app, this actually gives you the option to change the profile picture directly from the app.

In case, if you are on your Messenger app, the have on tap on your profile picture & this will take you to the profile section where you have to log in with your username and password of your Facebook account then follow the simple process by editing the profile section and change the profile picture by the same process.

You can also find help from the Facebook help section.

Change profile picture from Messenger on your Android

If you are on your Android devices then just follow the simple steps to change the profile picture directly from your Messenger:

➊ First of all, you have to log in with your credentials on your messenger and open your profile section displaying a circle icon beside your name.

➋ Then, on the next tab, you will see the profile section and a pen size icon to edit your profile picture, just tap on that.

➌ Next, add the new profile picture that you want to set for your DP and save the settings by positioning the images onto that circle.

Change Profile Picture on Messenger Android-how to

Change profile picture from Messenger on your iOS (iPhone/iPad)

If you are on your iOS device then you will find the Messenger app on your home screen, make sure the Messenger app is updated and then to change the profile picture from your iPhone or iPad just follow the simple steps:

➊ Once you open the Messenger app on your iOS device just in the same way, go to the profile section by tapping on to the circle for the profile icon beside your nickname.

➋ Now, that will take you to the next tab where you have to tap on the edit icon to change the profile picture for your messenger.

➌ Upon clicking on that, you will instantly be asked to add a new profile picture and then you can set a new profile picture and position it within the circle and set it as the profile picture.

That's all you have to do to change your profile picture from messenger on your iPhone or iPad.

What to do if I can't Change Profile Picture on Messenger?

If you can't change the profile picture directly from the messenger or either your click does not work, maybe the profile picture is still not visible after the change, whatever happens there, might be some reasons behind this and I will discuss in this content how to fix such situation.

'Tap' does not Work or DP not visible:

If you see that profile picture ord DP is not visible after the change or you can't change the profile picture by getting onto the Edit section then this may be due to the slow internet connection that cannot load some Javascript onto that app page.


The simple fix to this problem you can directly connect your mobile to then WiFi network (if available) and your problem might be fixed if this is happening due to the slow internet connection.

Profile page does not Open:

In order to change the profile picture directly from the messenger by tapping on to the name on your messenger app, this will take you to the profile section from the existing app or through the web. In case you are not logged in there, you will be required to login to see the pages.


To fix such a problem you have to log in with your credentials on your Facebook app or directly on your default browser that is set on your devices and then the problem will be solved once you retry the same process.

Privacy Settings for Facebook Profile Picture [To Hide]

You can change your Facebook profile picture & control to whom you want to show on Facebook and this also affects your Messenger.

On Facebook, you can change your profile picture settings either to friends or you can set the 'Only Me' option if you want to hide this from everyone. You can see the same profile picture only to specific friends and also can hide from some certain friends.

I was looking for, how I can set such privacy to my DP and I found that I have to click on my profile picture, on the next this opens and by clicking on the arrow button I can choose the privacy option to show my profile picture to whom I want.

The best part is if you want to hide your profile picture and you are setting the privacy from your Facebook app then the same will take effect on the Messenger app as well.

privacy profile picture

To control your profile picture in case of the previous ones, you can you delete that from your account or you can set the privacy to 'Only Me' for those profile pictures.

Note: If you see the profile picture is missing from the profile name on your messenger then this could be an issue of your internet connection as you can set the privacy to ' Only Me ' at most of the privacy where you can see while others cannot.

That is why this may be an issue of your delayed internet connection that can't load your profile picture on your messenger or your profile picture goes empty on both cases, you have to check with both solutions that I have already described.

How to lock my DP on Messenger?

If you want to lock your profile picture on your messenger so that no one can open it on a new tab or see the full resolution, you can take action and control the profile picture by editing its privacy settings. Where you can control the profile picture by entering a few names from your Facebook friend list and then you can set that privacy to hide from them or you can hide your profile picture from everyone by turning to the 'Only Me' option.

Once you set this privacy to your profile picture, will not be clickable or openable in a new tab.

What does the Blue Dot mean on Messenger?

If you have ever seen the blue dot on your messenger this means directly non read messages. Whenever people message you and you don't see this upon opening the Messenger, you will see all of these pending unseen messages with blue dots on the chat-list.

You will notice that once you left on this chat the blue dot will suddenly disappear and the message will be marked as seen to that person.

Note: In case you want to keep the blue dot there, you don't have to touch that can chat from your messenger.

Another option that I found on the Message Requests section on messenger where many people try to contact me on Messenger and those messages are not actually coming to my inbox rather show on the 'Requests' section with a single blue dot on their chat name.

So if you are seeing this blue dot either on your message box or message request section, this is actually nothing but the unread messages that came to your messenger but you did not read that till now.

The Bottom Lines:

If you want to change the profile picture you have to tap on this and by editing that directly on messenger, you can change it to a new one. You can control your profile picture from your messenger to show your friends or you can hide the same directly from your Messenger as well.

Also Read:

How To Change Id Picture On Messanger App


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