
How To Make A Stuffed Animal Out Of A Onesie


I really tin't have credit for this idea. A friend asked me to make a stuffed bear from the outfit her baby wore home from the hospital. She got the idea from Pinterest and it was a bad link so I tin't source it.

Turn old baby clothes into a memory bear.

Make a cute stuffed bear from an old baby onesie.

So, I had to come up with my own deport blueprint. I used equally few pieces as possible, only some extra stitching gives it more shape and allows it to sit. It was based off of THIS ane, but I changed it quite a bit.


I made one from 1 of our erstwhile onesies first, since I was terrified to cut into that precious baby outfit. I was glad that I practiced get-go, simply I was happy with how both of them turned out! Here is hers:


Use old baby sleeper to make a memory bear

And, because I felt like it, I took pictures of the process to make a tutorial to share! (They are a lilliputian dark, just it was wintertime.) You will need:

~clothing detail to upcycle (or fabric)
~lightweight, iron-on interfacing
~scissors (paper and fabric!)
~ribbon (optional)
~sewing machine
~mitt sewing needle
~conduct design (bachelor Hither)

***I take had a few people inquire about sizing. The finished deport measures near 8" high. These bears were made with a newborn outfit and a nine month onesie.

***Also, I have been getting some feedback on this pattern so I feel compelled to warn you lot that the resulting bear using this design commonly looks more than like the bear made with the purple onesie. Information technology is a chubbier acquit vs. a long behave. I honestly like the chubby bear better! There are many factors that tin change the shape of your deport, including the type of fabric used, how tight you lot pull the neck in, how you lot print the design, and how information technology is stuffed. You tin even squeeze it and smoosh it until takes on a unlike shape, too. This is a costless design and I did my all-time. I took the pictures every bit I was making the pinkish bear and then that is what is used for the tutorial pics showing the construction. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH… MAKE A PRACTICE BEAR Before YOU Cutting INTO SOMETHING SPECIAL!

Start out with the wearable detail y'all wish to upcycle. Or, buy fabric. That works, too, but I oasis't been doing much of that lately.

(Pats cocky on back. Good girl!)

Use outgrown baby clothes to make a memory bear

Then, you desire to dismantle it. The all-time way to offset is to snip out those side seams. I had to cutting off the bottom cuffs to get to them, though.

how to cut apart a baby sleeper to make a memory bear

Figure out how to fit the design on the bachelor textile. This may take some idea- also be mindful of directional prints. With this item outfit, I cut the bottoms off merely below the pocket and cut the arms off so that I could make exercise and use them besides. There wasn't enough cloth in just the chief trunk part considering information technology is so tiny! For the onesie, which was a 6-nine month size, the pattern pieces fit on the main body part. If you lot demand to make the artillery separately, merely make them 1/2" longer on the design piece and cut information technology apart 1/4" from the body of the comport design.

how to turn a baby sleeper into a memory bear

Now, knit fabric likes to stretch. That is what makes it so comfy and easier to put on a squirmy infant. For this project, though, you desire it to be non-stretchy. Interface the back of each piece with a lightweight, iron-on interfacing. It makes it much easier to piece of work with and the final product stuffs ameliorate.

How to make knit fabrics work for memory bears

Next, cut our your pattern pieces. If you are able to fit the blueprint on without making carve up artillery- skillful for you! It volition be a little easier.

Memory bear pieces cut from a baby sleeper

If you had to make exercise, like me, sew on the arms.

Sew arms on memory bear to make the pattern work with small clothes

Use a 1/4" seam allowance throughout this project. Sew together the front pieces together from the brow to the lesser of the abdomen. Sew the back pieces together from the back of the head to the lesser of the bum, but leave an opening in the back. In that location are dots marked on the pattern pieces- but sew between those.

Notation- I tweaked the pattern every bit I went, so yours will look a little different in shape than mine practise here. Just follow the pattern if yous don't desire a pointy tail poking out or an oddly shaped head.

How to sew a memory bear from baby clothes

Now, you want to embroider the eyes on. You could use push button eyes or other cute things, simply I went with blackness embroidery floss and satin stitched the eyes. Information technology is not a choking hazard this way, simply this entire project is at your own adventure/supervise your child. I am not responsible in any way. Legal disclaimer. All of those kids toy manufacturing regulations scare me. You tin practice the nose now, too, if you adopt, but I liked beingness able to shape it a little more after it was stuffed.

embroidered eyes on a memory bear

Stitch the forepart and back pieces together. Y'all can clip the corners and curves, but I simply went around the whole affair with pinking shears because it was easier.

sewing an easy memory bear

Flip it right side out and run up the ears. But stitch a straight line from the outside to the inside of the ear. Don't attempt to curve it- trust me and my excessive seam ripping. Sew a direct line. A shorter stitch length would be good, likewise.

How to shape bear ears without adding extra pieces

Stuff the arms and legs. Use small amounts of fiberfill and stuff evenly. Run up lines on those as shown on the pattern piece. Again, this took a lot of tweaking and seam ripping on the first comport to go the shape just correct, so follow the pattern!

stuff bear arms and legs and stitch- gives the stuffed bear shape without adding extra pattern pieces

Stuff the residuum of the conduct...

make an easy stuffed bear from old baby clothes

Stitch information technology airtight by hand with a ladder sew. Merely google it if you don't know how. This isn't my all-time piece of work, but it is usually invisible.

ladder stitch the back of the stuffed bear

Final touches...

~Wrap some heavy thread around the neck tightly to pull it in and knot it well. Constrict the loose thread ends into the comport. *****THIS STEP MAKES A REALLY Large DIFFERENCE IN THE SHAPE OF THE Behave!!!!!*****

~Embroider a nose on the comport. It works better to do it at the cease because you tin can shape it a little bit. I stitched a triangle and so satin stitched over that until I got the await I wanted.

~Add a bow... if yous want. This one I added one on the ear- it is sewn down actually well, and then I don't think she will always be able to pull that off. The other carry has a ribbon bow around the neck instead. I similar that, too.

shaping a stuffed bear with less pieces

Then, because I only couldn't let that trivial pocket go, I made a tiny little blanket for the deport.

upcycled bear and blanket from baby clothes

I was really low on fabric at this point, so I mixed in some other cotton scraps. The back is some scrap minky from a taggy blanket for last year's Operation Christmas Child shoebox. It has one/8" seam allowances, so it was really finicky to make. No tutorial for this part... only pictures.

baby clothes blanket or lovie for stuffed animal

I honey this idea and wish that I had done it before with my kids! I still have some items saved in storage, then I might try to do something similar this when I get a grandmother one solar day. I miss babies, so the idea of being old plenty to exist a grandma doesn't even make me lamentable now.

Here is the pattern link again if yous want to download information technology...


Here is a pinnable prototype if you want to save information technology for later...

Use baby's going home from the hospital outfit to make a keepsake stuffed memory bear with this free pattern and tutorial.

Every bit always, this pattern may not be copied and sold. It is for your personal, non-commercial use. I would LOVE to run across pictures of anything yous make with this, though! Yous can send them to me via facebook or due east-mail them to pacountrycrafts at gmail dot com.

You lot can find more of my tutorials HERE! This is just a sampling of some baby-related ones...


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