
How To Load The Apple Smart App Banner With Javascript

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Customisable smart app banner for iOS and Android.

smartbanner.js iOS screenshotsmartbanner.js Android screenshot


  • Populating smartbanner is as easy as adding meta tags, no JavaScript knowledge required
  • Default Smart App Banner like design
  • Customisable info with i18n support and design by using
    • automatically generated smartbanner--<platform> class on wrapper
    • custom design modifier for externally defined styles or same design on all platforms
  • Close button that closes the banner and sets cookie to keep banner closed
    • for current session or for defined time
    • at current path or site-wide
  • Platform-specific app icon and View button
  • User Agent specific targeting
  • Pure JavaScript coming at 13 KB in minified size, no jQuery required
  • Events emitted for API implementations
  • ECMAScript 6 source

Basic Usage

smartbanner.js works automagically given following meta tags:

              <!-- Start SmartBanner configuration -->              <              meta              name="smartbanner:title"              content="Smart Application">              <              meta              name="smartbanner:author"              content="SmartBanner Contributors">              <              meta              name="smartbanner:price"              content="FREE">              <              meta              name="smartbanner:price-suffix-apple"              content="                - On the App Store">              <              meta              name="smartbanner:price-suffix-google"              content="                - In Google Play">              <              meta              name="smartbanner:icon-apple"              content="https://url/to/apple-store-icon.png">              <              meta              name="smartbanner:icon-google"              content="https://url/to/google-play-icon.png">              <              meta              name="smartbanner:button"              content="VIEW">              <              meta              name="smartbanner:button-url-apple"              content="https://ios/application-url">              <              meta              name="smartbanner:button-url-google"              content="https://android/application-url">              <              meta              name="smartbanner:enabled-platforms"              content="android,ios">              <              meta              name="smartbanner:close-label"              content="Close">              <!-- End SmartBanner configuration -->            

Additionally, JavaScript and CSS has to be included:

              <              link              rel="stylesheet"              href="node_modules/smartbanner.js/dist/smartbanner.min.css">              <              script              src="node_modules/smartbanner.js/dist/smartbanner.min.js">              </              script              >            

Advanced usage

Hide the smartbanner for certain User Agents

There are cases where you do not want to show the smart app banner on all Android and/or all iOS devices. For example:

  • your app is availabe only for some Android/iOS versions
  • your app is only availabe on iPhone, but not iPad
  • your app is a web app which also shows this website, but of course should not show the smart app banner.

In this case you can define a regular expression, which matches all user agent strings that should be excluded. Just add another meta tag like the following:

              <              meta              name="smartbanner:exclude-user-agent-regex"              content="^.*My Example Webapp$">            

This regular expression would match any user agent string, that ends with My Example Webapp.

Show the smartbanner for certain User Agents

In addition to blacklisting certain user agents using the regex explained in the previous section, you can also whitelist certain user agents:

              <              meta              name="smartbanner:include-user-agent-regex"              content="iPhone 7">            

Note: You can define enabled-platforms, exclude-user-agent-regex and include-user-agent-regex at the same time. enabled-platforms has the lowest priority, exclude-user-agent-regex the highest priority.

Disable Positioning

If you want to position smart app banner yourself (e.g. in CSS), you can disable built-in positioning with following option:

              <              meta              name="smartbanner:disable-positioning"              content="true">            

Hide the smartbanner completely

If you want to prevent smartbanner rendering in some html pages, you can add optional meta tag:

              <              meta              name="smartbanner:enabled-platforms"              content="none">            

Time-limited close

By default smartbanner would not reappear if closed. This can be prevented with hide-ttl option. Following example would keep smartbanner closed for 10 seconds (10000 ms):

              <              meta              name="smartbanner:hide-ttl"              content="10000">            

Path-designated close

Once closed smartbanner would reappear if site path changes. It is default behaviour.

Following example would keep smartbanner closed site-wide (but only when user has actually closed it):

              <              meta              name="smartbanner:hide-path"              content="/">            

Custom design modifier

smartbanner uses built-in platform-specific styles (e.g. smartbanner--ios or smartbanner--android), but this behaviour can be altered by adding custom design modifier that allows use of:

  • externally defined styles, e.g.:

                      <                  meta                  name="smartbanner:custom-design-modifier"                  content="">                

    which would add class on wrapper.

  • forced platform-specific styles on all platforms, e.g.:

                      <                  meta                  name="smartbanner:custom-design-modifier"                  content="ios">                

    which would add smartbanner--ios class on wrapper regardless of actual platform.

smartbanner API use

By default smartbanner is added to DOM automatically. You can disable it with

              <              meta              name="smartbanner:api"              content="true">            

and add smartbanner to DOM manually:


Following events are being dispatched:

Event Description
smartbanner.init Dispatched when smartbanner has been initialised
smartbanner.view Dispatched when smartbanner is added to display
smartbanner.clickout Dispatched when smartbanner is clicked to navigate to app store
smartbanner.exit Dispatched when smartbanner is closed

Example handler (closes smartbanner when user clicks to navigate to app store):

              document              .              addEventListener              (              'smartbanner.clickout'              ,              smartbanner              .              exit              )              ;            




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How To Load The Apple Smart App Banner With Javascript


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